It’s been years, many, many years, centuries even, since the name Twilight Sparkle has been said as a pony and not as a myth. It’s been so long, that Twilight Sparkle , now Lady Harmony, are consider two separate entities. One was a princess who saved Equestria from Lord Tirek hundreds of years ago, and the other a lonely powerful being tied to the Elements of Harmony, who roams the world bringing balance and knowledge wherever she goes.
*Until one day a pony encounters the tree of Harmony, grown large and twisted through the years, seeking shelter. There she meets the elusive Lady Harmony and ask for her help. Princesses are a thing of the past and yet they need one. Desperately. This little filly wants Twilight to be the Princess they need and bring peace among Equestria. *
However Twilight is old now, wise beyond her years. Her friends had long past, no one had willed the elements of harmony since, and she finds no gratification from ponies looking up to her, but something in this filly’s determination and spark brings back memories she had long put away in a box. She agrees, but not for herself. If the world needed a Princess then all she needed to do was lead this little filly in the right direction, just like her mentor had done to Lady Harmony herself.
I’m back! Work has practically dried me up in terms of art related content. But hopefully nowadays I can get back up with this Au. I don’t now what to call it yet. But Twilight is this AU basically fused with the tree of Harmany after defeating tirek. Everything after that went different she grew branches of horns as years pass and her body had change. When her friends passed on she became a reclusive hermit sometimes travelling but always returning to the tree of harmony. The only other being that she talks to is Discord who Twilight begrudlly tolerates.
In this Au centuries forward. Alicorns had “died off” which shouldn’t be possible as they are supposed to be long-living. Anyways the world is chaos and surprisingly has nothing to do with discord. And equestrian had split.
And this little filly, (I don’t have a name for her yet, write in the comments you have an ideas.) which I obviously made to look like celestia, wants to bring peace. Even if she's stubborn and reckless she whole heartedly believes Twilight will bring back alicorns become the princess, as she is one herself, and reunite Equestria. (Shes also wants to know what happened to the myth of Twilight Sparkle, cause she's obsessed with her, not knowing that her mentor lady harmony is said pony)
Anyways that all I have for now.
P.s why is drawing close to canon style so hard oml. Its nice but so difficult.