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Doctor Jonhur Hooves is Doctor Hooves's biological grandpa. He fought in the Equestrian Frontier Wars as a field medic. He's old, but still as strong and quick as in his youth. He is still talented with martial arts; most notably using a kukri, a spear, a nunchuck, archery with a recurved bow, a boomerang, and bolas. And he's very intelligent; able to see if someone's lying or telling the truth, able to see who's trustworthy, able to see if someone's reacting on fear instead of malice, and able with tactics. He is also capable with a sense of humour. He is very fond of tea, books, art, music, animals, history, and drama. Not surprisingly, he befriended many including the Mane 6 whose hearts he caught with his eccentric, virtuous personality.
Jonhur Hooves is based on the War Doctor (John Hurt) from Doctor Who.
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