Some extremely fat art of Abuela, drawn as a gift by White-Eyed Vireo/Yellow-Throated Warbler.
Between Equestria and Burrochica is a country of cattle called Taurus. Cattle living there are nomadic grazers that keep to themselves. Both them and their territory is very dangerous- so ponies and donkeys have collaborated on building long elevated highways above the cattle's territory. Essentially acting as sky bridges high up in the air. They're referred to as "high roads" and are the main method of transport between the two countries.
Some of these high roads are well-maintained, secured and patrolled, but others are very neglected and ruined. They are very structurally unsafe and blocked off... which makes it perfect for criminals to use. Since they're not patrolled at all, they are a highway for traffickers and smugglers. And a wonderful trap for any stupid pony tourists who are getting on the wrong high-road...