Shhh…I see dead ponies…”
Note: I'm still working on her, so sorry if her description is filled with uncertainty and vagueness. Y'all are still welcomed to give ideas!^ Speaking of ideas, Icicle-Niceicle-1517 ( https://www.deviantart.com/icicle-niceicle-1517 ) gave me a few ideas in my previous post ( https://www.deviantart.com/theartfox2468/art/Star-AU-Our-little-girl-1150482282 ).
The ideas included: Aurora should have a skull-like pattern on her face to represent her connection to death. Also bringing awareness to the “I see dead people” reference, lol X]]. And her odd expertise at trivia, given that “Trivia” is her middle name XD!
Thank you Icicle for these ideas! w^
And, thank you all for the support! :)
Full Name: Aurora Trivia Radiant Moon
Nicknames: (My Little) Moonflower
Parents: Rarity Diamant Essence and Lunar Selena Lulamoon
Sibling(s): (Older brother) Midnight/Erebus Nocte
Species: Disabled Alicorn; she was born blind.
Gender: Cis Female; She/Her/Hers
Sexuality: ?¿?¿ (maybe Aroace?? Idk yet)
Age/Birthday: 20 (Born in 2017 N.E [New Equestria]); Mid-Fall/Scorpio/Nightmare Night/Halloween
Structure: Slightly taller than Rarity and Luna, but still short compared to a normal pony.
Talents: Harbinger/Omen of death. She can access and see a realm that nobody else can. Surprisingly, though she is blind in the real world, she can only see a “limbo” world where spirits and other mysterious entities exist. Because of this strange connection to this world, she can tell when somepony is going to die. She can practically see fate itself, but nobody would believe her. Besides, she hasn't been able to test her powers, simply because she hasn't been around “active” death to see a pattern (active death implying: ponies in danger, elderly or sick ponies).
EDIT: Simply because she can see phantoms of the past and mostly track down ghost to the site where they were killed or buried, this practically gives her the ability to "experience the past". Not literally, nor can she time-travel or anything. It's just the ghost she encounters can tell or reinact a scene that happened in the past. For instance, say if a pony died in a field due to exhaustion. If Aurora ask what happend to them, then the pony spirit will take her to the exact spot the pony died in the field, and reinact the scene of them falling to their side and drifting off into a deep internal sleep.
Occupation: A psychic and a witch. I might have her be one of Wisteria's apprentices (Wisteria is the daughter of Sombra and Hope. She's a witch doctor and a miracle worker. Maybe Aurora's connection with death allows her to sense specific sickness, whether mental or physical, within a pony that can help Wisteria in her work). She could have the rare power to bring spirits back to the living, like a necromancer, but I'm not sure yet 🤔.
Other occupational ideas for her is that she could become a mortician 🤷🏾♀️ (and hopefully not a tomb raider TwT) or even a detective 🕵♀️
I'm still working on her, but what I have in mind so far is that she's reserved, quiet, very peculiar and a curious oddball. She doesn't make friends often because of her spontaneous and random behavior, like poking into others' business, all because she was probably following a ghost or “talking to herself” because she's having a conversation with said ghost.
Besides her strange and mysterious traits, she's a clever and studious young mare. Surprisingly, she has a head full of trivial facts and information, even info unknown to ponykind because some ancient spirits tell her some exclusive truths about certain historical events. During her school years, after she learned how to cast spells onto words so she could comprehend literature (practically braille for unicorns), she would become a bookworm, listening to encyclopedias, historical books and fiction for hours on end. It seems Twilight has some competition, especially at trivia games X]. Aurora, like Twilight, is a guru for learning new things, especially anything scientific, historical or magic related.
☆Rarity and Luna: She loves and appreciates her mothers equally. At first when they learned that she was blind and had special powers which made her act different than the average pony, they were quite overprotective of her. But, once they realized that Aurora could care less about the world around her and that she was 1000% capable on her own, then they calmed down.
Anyway, when Aurora was nothing but a foal, Rarity loved dressing her up like a doll. Luna loved singing her lullabies and telling her stories about the adventures she went on when she was younger.
Luna is curious about Aurora's power, as she believes she inherited some psychological powers from her, like being able to access and see realms ponies can't reach unless they allow others to enter somehow.
Unfortunately, Rarity could never understand her daughter's abilities, not because she wanted to stay imprudently ignorant, but because it was simply too hard for her to comprehend, even when Luna tried to break it down for her. Regardless, Rarity has always encouraged her to do what she put her mind to.
☆Midnight: She doesn't see him often, with him being the warden of the bat ponies in Hollow Equestria/The Underworld, because they were left with no King or Queen present. Luna is their Queen, but she's not present down there, especially because she already has important duties to attend to in Equestria. But, he does check in when he can. He's purely glad that his mother found happiness with another and was able to have another child. Him and Aurora have a special connection. It's like sibling telepathy. If he gets hurt, she'll know and vice versa. They were also born on the same day, which was Nightmare Night (Halloween. Btw, I'm sure they call it something different now that Luna is back, lol). He likes to fly around with her, take her on strolls down Canterlot, or in the forests she likes to trek in at night. Midnight is fully a vampire/bat pony, so they can only hang out at night. He used to have her ride on his back when she was a kid. He loves her so much, but it's upsetting that he has to constantly be gone. She loves him back, and frankly cries when he lives. He’s like her best friend, and the only one, besides Luna, that understands her.
☆ Besides her family, she doesn't have many connections. If I decide for her to work under Wisteria, she might see her as another mother figure and somepony to relate to with her mysterious background and powers.
☆ When she attended Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns in a disabled unicorn class (she was the teacher’s pet, lol) there she met Twilight's daughter, Estella. Naturally, she was like a role model and a big sister to her. Like with Midnight, she had a strange connection with Estella as well. Not just because they were both disabled, but because she felt like she had connections to another realm or psychological powers too. Of course Estella wouldn't know this, and at the time, Aurora was too young to understand what it was to confidently tell her. Estella would see her from time to time, but not enough to create a close bond or anything. Just only when Twilight and Tempest took trips there. But, anytime they talked, Aurora would always tell her “everytime I meet you I always sense that there is something special residing within you that none of us know about. Be true to yourself and maybe you could awaken that hidden power, like me. Don't be afraid of your divine purpose.” Estella would be left with her words everytime, which made her completely believe that Aurora does see something within her that she doubts she has.
☆Again, I'm still working on her and other characters, so she might have a confidant or even a potential “love interest" soon. Idk >_<
☆ She's sensitive in every sense, especially her sense of hearing. So in mid conversation, her ears might catch something, as she looks frantically around her then quickly whispers, “What was that,” though nopony else heard anything. So, you may catch her wearing headphones, when she remembers to bring them, lol XP.
☆Poor Aurora is an insomniac. Because being half-normal pony and half-nocturnal bat pony majorly messed with her sleep schedule without any external factors helping to sleep. In her youth, Luna would use her powers to send her to sleep, hence why she'd sing lullabies and tell stories and such. But as she got older and became a bit of an recluse, she'd either take prescribed medicine or just stay up for nearly 72 hours 💀.
☆She collects animal bones as a hobby. Mainly because she can also see the spirits of dead animals, and typically spirits linger where they had died. So, oftentimes she would accidentally step on bones (gladly, she could smell a fresh corpse before she steps on it 😬). Thus, she would collect them in memory of her spirit friend.
☆ I'm thinking about giving her a little helper or assistant of some sort. Maybe a dragon? Or a pet, like a dog, bird or something??? I only bring this up, because admittedly, she still needs assistance, especially when she goes wandering off following spirits. I'm pretty sure she doesn't know that they can phase through things whereas she cannot XP. So, she needs something to remind her of that. Also, she would need help to collect bones, as she can't make out all of them besides the bigger bones, like skulls.
☆She's totally a whimsical goth girly and also autistic coded <3
☆ She is literally AURORA the singer, therefore I will voice claim Aurora as Aurora Aksnes!
I hope y'all like her so far! Again thanks for the support! ^^ If you guys have any questions or ideas please let me know! Take care! <3 ~~~~ 《RELATED CONTENT (some outdated 😭)》 ☆ https://www.deviantart.com/theartfox2468/art/Star-AU-Our-little-girl-1150482282 ☆ https://www.deviantart.com/theartfox2468/art/Star-AU-Magic-School-898092149 (The old dusty link ⬇️) ☆ https://www.deviantart.com/theartfox2468/art/The-Moon-to-My-Darkness-790571057