Commission for @pixelpallet6
The following story written by @pixelpallet6
Applejack looked around what seemed to be a prison, gasping as she saw two critters locked up. One was a small child-sized green rabbit with a lightning pendant, the other was much more gruesome. It looked to be a dog, missing his legs and hanging by his arms. Both critters were amazed to see the pony walk in, gobsmacked at what she was looking at.
“You’re… One of Poppy’s angels,” the dog said weakly.
“I uh…. Don’t think I’d call myself an angel,” Applejack admitted.
“But you’re here to save us,” said the rabbit. She tried to stand up, but she winced as she put pressure on one of her legs. It was clear that she was injured.
“Hoppy, save your strength,” the dog proclaimed. He sighed as he knew she was clearly in better shape than himself.
“I’m assuming you’re Dogday and Hoppy,” Applejack guessed.
“Yes, we were members of the Smiling Critters,” Dogday sighed, “Possibly the last of them.”
“That’s not true. Your friends are still holding out hope for you.”
“Seriously?!” Hoppy gasped as she tried to jump up, despite her bad leg. “Can you get us out of here?!”
Applejack nodded as she reeled up to give the lock on the cage a hard kick. With another one or two, she broke the lock, allowing Hoppy to be free. Since she was walking with a bit of a limp, the farm pony gave her a ride on her back.
Just as they were about to get the chain around Dogday’s arms, they could see a bunch of mini critters crawl out. They looked feral and hungry. “Oh no!” Dogday cried, “Hoppy, angel, run!!!” He only had seconds to warn them before the mini critters started to have their meal.
“Dogday!” Hoppy cried. She tried jumping to save her friend, but Applejack knew it was already too late. She just grabbed the bunny and started running the way she came in only for the floor to break under their weight.
After recovering, the two started to argue that they could’ve saved Dogday or not. However, the conversation was interrupted due to the sound of growling and moans. They looked up at the hole they fell through, only to find the legless critter fall down, using his legs to drag him along.
One look at his eyes showed he wasn’t himself, he was possessed. Tossing Hoppy on her back again, Applejack made a run for it with the Bigger Body’s Initiative toy chasing after them. They slid through slides and around corners, but everytime they looked back, Dogday seemed like he was always catching up.
Ahead they could see a large chasm and an elevator on the other side. Applejack was panicking as she knew that Dogday would catch up with them eventually and they were running out of places to run.
“Jump!” Hoppy cried.
“What?” Applejack questioned.
“It’s the only way we can make it!” The farm pony looked around the room as the chasm and Dogday both seemed to be getting closer. She looked back before Hoppy made her look forward. “Don’t look at him, the chasm!”
Applejack gasped as they were just about to reach it. Being walled into a corner, there was only one way to go. “Jump!” Hoppy cried. Dogday let out a roar as he reached out to grab them just as they leapt off the edge. “JUMP!”
Time seemed to freeze as they didn’t think they would make it. With a mighty “THUD!” the pony and bunny landed on the elevator, which started going up. Hoppy only just had enough time to look and see Dogday plummeting down into the chasm. She stared at the pit, taking in what just happened. Applejack did her best to comfort the rabbit as she had just lost her friend.
The MLP meets Poppy Playtime / Smiling Critters sage continues! I do believe this one was my favorite in the series to draw so far! What do you guys think?