Bug Scare~!!
Kassaz commissioned this silly little comic and wrote this silly little story to go along with it, now collected into an anthology:
Three changelings made their way through the identical corridors of the hive. One was in his prime, one young, and the last nearly new. The latter two were the responsibility of the other, the oldest, who carried the youngest in his forehooves as he hovered. This caused no end of grief to the middle changeling, young enough to remember being carried and old enough to be denied it; he tried to fly to spare his hooves the cold stone floor, only for his wings to fail and drop him flat on his stomach. Tears welled in his eyes, and rage took over his little body in the form of a tantrum. The oldest hovered over him, waiting for his kicking and wailing to end.
Moments passed, and still the little changeling cried on the floor. It crossed the oldest's mind to punish the younger, but the youngest slept in his embrace, and it would be difficult to keep him asleep during such a thing, even drawing from his reserves of magic that ought best not be wasted. Fortune shone wherever his queen deigned to visit, and his ears heard her distinct buzzing, although she couldn't yet be seen. The little changeling had lived in the nursery for his entire life, and had never seen the queen in her current state beforehoof, or certainly couldn't remember her beauty at the very least. It was time for a favoured tale that would scare him into submission. The oldest spoke, and loudly informed the younger that their majestic queen ate those little changelings who misbehaved. This gave but a moment of reprieve, before the crying continued.
When the little changeling opened his eyes inbetween gasps, he felt his chitin try to leap from his body and he jumped in surprise. The queen—she had to be the queen—hovered before him, with a belly full of little foals just like him! They looked outwards at him in a silent plea for help, shoved every which way in her gut, looking deeply uncomfortable on top of being food. They struggled in a meaningless way hanging beneath her, with their combined strength causing little more than a rocking back-and-forth in the clear sack as she flew. Some had clearly been swallowed whole to suffer longer and others surely chewed to pieces beforehoof, considering the many legs, butts, and other body parts he saw without clear owners. Many heads without much else stared back at him as they jutted out from the black mass churning away in her, unmoving, unblinking. There were more foals in her belly than he could count—so many that her belly struggled to contain them, with many heads, butts, and everything else poking out to make her belly particularly lumpy—and surely some of them had behaved even better than he was!
The older changeling smiled at the horror on the younger face, and then diverted his attention to his queen and mother. The hive was no longer struggling merely to survive—comparing the runt in his hooves and the runt at his hooves to those yet born cemented that opinion—the unborn were much larger and fatter already, nearly twice the size of the youngest he held, and also more far numerous. The queen's inability to walk while carrying her brood was something he'd not seen too often lately, but now she was once again unable to touch her very hooves to the floor without contorting herself. He knew the next generation would help to continue the cycle of prosperity under their queen that had begotten them. He turned his head as she passed them by to admire her further. The queen's rear was no longer scrawny, as it had been when they were starving; now it was easily bigger than his entire body, and he knew she'd have no need to tap into those large love reserves with how plentiful food now was in the hive.
He knew the queen was on her way to the nursery to part with the foals within her, to leave them with the caretakers such as himself soon, very soon. He, nevertheless, was quite glad to be dealing with the current crop of scrawnier foals who were easier to handle. They would in all likelihood follow in his trail and care for their brethren as he followed in the trail of those who had cared for him; that was likely preferable to destiny as a soldier. He knew the ponies had individual destinies, but he much preferred a life that both came from and serviced to his beautiful queen. In all his fellow changelings—and in the queen when she was swollen gravid like this—he saw reflections of himself, his past, and his future. There was comfort in that, and not an iota of him would deviate from that mould set in his queen.
In just a few minutes, the sweet buzzing of her wings was but a memory, and the three were once again alone. He looked down at the younger changeling, who was now very quiet, with a smile on his face. He also noticed the youngest in his hooves was now awake, but it would no longer be appropriate to apply a punishment to the other. They continued, and he was thankful for his queen's brief presence. Fortune shone wherever his queen deigned to visit.