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An ample pair of equine mammaries combined with a plot well-fed from the emotional eating of severe social anxiety make for a rear end far too heavy to carry on a long flight, as poor Fluttershy discovers firsthoof. The humiliated pegasus can only watch as her hindquarters plummet into the Everfree Forest, too aerodynamically clumsy to fly quickly or gracefully enough to rescue herself. “P-Please don’t land on anypony like last time…Blowing flattened ponies back to life feels like…k-kissing…” As much as Flutters would love her milk to nourish the woodland creatures below, she would have to face facts as her backside splattered like a stain of yellow and pink bubblegum on the ground. She tried feeling her legs and knew that they weren’t a pair of legs anymore. Only her bosom remained in a Flutterpuddle with approximately the physical consistency of quicksand. Upon descending, she had to scoop up her gooey legs and take them to Rarity - her artsy moulding skills she picked up from a new pastime of pottery often proved quite convenient for sticky situations like this…