DeviantArt (June 15, 2018 at 5:27:39 PM UTC)
Scouting Out
Rainbow Dash jogged through the pines, dodging fallen logs and rocks as she went. Almost there... She broke through some undergrowth into a clearing. A flock of robins glided past overhead."Wait up!" she laughed, flinging open her wings and speeding after the birds. As she passed the tops of the trees, a warm wind pushed her away from the ground. She flexed her primaries, tilting into a bank and soaring towards the peak of the mountain she had been climbing. Her eyes scanned the trees below, looking for a place to perch.
She dove, flaring her wings at the last moment and grabbing onto the dead tree that protruded from the rest of the pines. The limb swayed as she grabbed onto it, bending gracefully to and fro. Now that she had a hand free, Rainbow lifted her quiver and bow over her head, rolling her shoulders as the weight lifted. "Ahhh... That's better." The strap on her quiver had been misadjusted and her shoulders had begun cramping. She'd been running for over two hours, after all.
As another breeze brushed against her feathers, Rainbow's nostrils twitched. Smoke. Twisting her head in the direction of the wind, she saw a small smoke trail drifting up from the trees a few miles to the east.
One of Sombra's supply trains.
Rainbow smiled grimly. Her scouting trip had been successful. They could attack tonight.
Woooot!!! So I finally got to do some Rebellion AU Rainbow Dash!!!! YAS!!
Anyway, the background was a bit rushed, but I'm satisfied with it. I actually really enjoyed doing the linework for once (you can thank roleplaying for that
::::QUESTION::: Do you guys think I should make the Rebellion AU into a comic???
*Things to consider:
-each comic panel takes a long time
-It might be a bit busy with so many different story lines to tag togetherLET ME KNOW!!!
More Rebellion AU: https://joan-grace.deviantart.com/gallery/62989495/Rebellion-AU
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