Deviantart Desription:
They drive me to make fanchildren
This what happens when I wanna watch MLP at school, and start doodling.
Fear it.
I even named it. Now I have to keep it. damn it.
Name: AppleDrop
Gender: Female (I gave her furry hooves because I said so, even though I've only seen them on dudes in the show))
Parents: After my last MLP pic, I don't I must explain.
Race: Unicorn, though she's got little magical ability and rarely uses it anyway
Cutie Mark: Golden Apple with a Water droplet
Special Talent: She waters the saplings on Sweet Apple Acres and takes much pride in her work, loving to play in the water more than anything.
Hope you enjoy!
AppleDrop and Artwork (c) Myself
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic (c) Hasbro and Lauren Faust