The backstory is like this. A mare came up with an idea to make a competition on who has the fattest plot in Equestria. There were rules that made it fair, but in case anypony starts complaining... Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Chrysalis, and Fleur de Lis are not allowed to take part in the Fattest Plot in Equestria game. Those ponies would easily win due to their size and how one of them already has a fat plot. During the first competition, Twilight Sparkle won and posed for the camera before getting the trophy. Some weeks later, ponies found out that Twilight Sparkle cheated by using her magic to make her plot fatter! And because she cheated, the mare behind the whole competition, decided to humiliate her by using the picture of her fat butt to make a trophy of her plot. The trophy was given to her and future mares around Equestria for winning the Fat Plot competition. The fat plot trophy became so famous that six more trophies were made later on. Each trophy being one of Twilight friends of their fat plot in the same pose as Twilight first picture. Now, her friends were being humiliated because of Twilight cheating. This happened during season 1 and all the way to where she became a princess. Twilight isn't ashamed of what she did, but now she has to give the trophy of her own fat cheating plot to the winner.
(Follow up to this >>3479349 )
Cutie marks: Lily, Berry Punch, Sugar Belle and Soarin'
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