Pony Waifu Sim Update - Early December
Happy upcoming Hearthswarming, everyone!
Flustershy wanted to give you a present, but it seems she's having a bit of trouble.This past month we have been making progress on multiple different projects:
- The secret scene for postcard-holders is coming along nicely! The static art is almost done, and we are mostly waiting on the animation to be finished.
- We have been working on updating our shop! We have a good bit of leftover merchandise and are going to be launching our full-fledged store soon!
- We are planning on vending at BABSCon 2025 in the AD hall! So if you missed us at Mare Fair, expect to see tiarawhy and Scion there!
- We have been working on a refactor of how we load assets behind the scenes.
We have been quite busy, but the next planned update will still be Version 6.1, which adds some final touches to the Blue Fast finale. In the update after that, you can look forward to finally being able to make use of that golden leaf!
Thank you all so much for your continued support, we hope you have a fantastic Hearthswarming and give your favorite mare something special!
Filename: FlutterChristmasFail.png