Name: Pebble Pie
Nicknames: Pebs, Pebby, Pebble
Parents: Big Mac, Marble Pie
Age: 16
General bio:
Pebble is quiet, very quiet, even when spoken to she answers with sounds, like her mother. She is capable of talking but she is very shy and scared of many things, that she prefers not to speak and just nods or makes faces with how she feels. The only ones who knows the sound of her voice are her parents and brother, Sweetie Pie and Cotton Candy. It's very hard for Pebble to be comfortable around anypony or anything, she isn't the happiest in her situation and Sweetie Pie often helps her to gain some confidence and be a more open pony and it helps her little by little. She is often by herself or with her brother, she spends her time taking walks or admiring nature, sometimes she would even sing with the wind and her voice is so clear and bright it would make anypony listen with their hearts. She keeps a deep secret that almost no pony knows, is that she is as freakishly strong as her father.
She loves her family very much, and does anything to keep them happy. She cares about them deeply and does what she can to keep them smiling, though at times it's tough for her, since she is very quiet and a bit scared of putting herself out there. She cares deeply about Sweetie Pie since she helps her become a livelier pony and she gets along with Cotton Candy since she is shy like her. She runs from Hocus Pocus because he is very scary-looking for her, not to mention Lightning Blast and Gem Stone with their strong personalities.
Her Cutie Mark is three little pebbles that sparkle slightly. She is an amazing singer though only a rare few know of this, she could be as good as Countess Coloratura but she chooses to live a quiet life and take care of her family and friends.