nopony said:
Ask Tsu-Ko for guidance as to where to look for a missing pop star.
You tell Tsu-Ko that you have come to the Kirin Empire in search of Dirt Flaxen, a pop star from Equestria. You take a moment to apprise her of what you know about the situation so far, and ask if she has an idea where to start looking.
Tsu-Ko: "You're a unicorn, aren't you? Why not cast a Find Person spell?"
You admit that you do not know any such spell, and that you are still a novice magic user.
Tsu-Ko: "Really! And you're the one they chose for the job? Oh well. Fortunately for you, a foreigner like him couldn't have gotten far in these lands by himself. Chances are he's still here in Shui-Ti, or across the portal to either Taihon-Nonchan or Yinshin-Pintai."
Moonflower: "Whoa! I think the language spell stopped workin' jus' now."
Tsu-Ko: "Those are the names of the towns linked to Shui-Ti through that big red gateway over there."
Moonflower: "Ohhh!"
Honourshine: "Do these names mean anything?"
Tsu-Ko: "If you care to ask, Taihon-Nonchan means Farmlands Bathing in Sun and Rain. It's the trigon's agricultural town, found in the stormy plains of the far north.
Yinshin-Pintai means Wheels Atop the Cleaved Mountain. It's an industrial town built on top of a plateau said to have once been a mountain that was cleaved in half by the greater demon Senoha.
As for Shui-Ti, it means To and From Hope. The name comes from a group of downtrodden unicorns who left the island in search of a new home some ten thousand years ago. Now, it's a merchant town, and the children of those ancestors come to visit from time to time."
Honourshine: "Hm. I'm starting to get a clearer picture. Thank you."
You ask Tsu-Ko what makes her think Dirt Flaxen is in one of the three towns she mentioned.
Tsu-Ko: "As you'll learn soon enough, the edge of town is about as far as foreigners like you are allowed to go — and something tells me a lone bard like him is neither strong nor wealthy enough to change that fate."
Honourshine: "Are we allowed to speak to the locals, at least?"
Tsu-Ko: "Of course! While I'm with you, you can speak to anyone — just don't be rude: if they are idle, greet them face to face. If they are moving or talking, raise a hoof and wait for them to greet you first. And for your sake, Feathers, mind your tongue; courting doesn't work the way you're used to here, so don't bother trying."
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