Capper and Rarity soon woke up after their comatose states of being turned into toys. Both of them were very confused, especially Rarity, who had gone through a species swap. They were taking a few minutes to get their bearings and figure out what had happened. During this time, Capper could see a button on Rarity’s back.
He wasn’t able to help himself and pressed the button which quickly made Rarity snap into her new character of Diamond Claw, speaking her line. Capper was surprised by how she acted. His attention was grabbed by some voices below them, who had heard Diamond Claw’s line. Looking down, Capper could see a dragon princess and a plushie.
These were Smolder and Spike, respectively. After confirming it was them, the two cats jumped down onto the floor, landing on all fours. It was a strange feeling for Rarity. After standing up, Smolder and Spike had a bit of a laugh while telling them about Ember and Garble.
Rarity was just happy to see Spike again. She hugged her tight, making the dragon’s stuffing go to other parts of her body. She let go as Capper was wondering how they would get out of there as Smolder let him know that they were all still trying to figure that out.
MLP (C) Hasbro
Artwork by Slywolf136: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/slywolf136