bovine boutique 🐄💕 [STORY]
Being a trendsetter was hard work, very few ponies knew this. It required a lot of time, care, and research… Rarity always had an ear to the ground in Canterlot and Manehattan thanks to certain contacts, who she trusted to attend all the shows and follow every designer worth knowing to find out what's hot before the general populace did. And by all accounts, cows were in. Cow print, ear tags, the works… Already, there had been a runway in Canterlot with exclusively cow modes, though by all accounts it had been underwhelming. The concept piqued Rarity's curiosity, though… If not cows themselves, she needed something like a cow.Conveniently, Fluttershy had walked into the boutique as she was contemplating that question. Dear sweet Fluttershy, who was always available to help out a friend. Rarity only needed to beg a little bit before she folded, agreeing to be the star of her next show. That had been a little over a month ago. Rarity was rushing to finish the new collection, and training Fluttershy in the meantime.
She’d done her research, read some of the books in Twilight’s library from the more private sections. Reduced movement, increased servings at every meal… Somepony else was taking care of the animals, so all Fluttershy needed to do was sit back and let herself be pampered. Which was surprisingly difficult at first— Rarity could hardly get her to sit still and stop trying to be helpful, until the weight and width of her haunches made moving around the shop more troublesome than it was worth. Better still when her belly started to brush the floor, forcing her legs wide apart. It won't be a catwalk so much as a cat-waddle, Rarity thought. The way her body jiggled with each step, her belly sloshing from side to side and squishing against her thighs, was rather cute, though. She would certainly make a unique model.
Only a few days before, Fluttershy’s hooves finally lifted off the floor for good. Her belly made a vast, plush bed beneath her, wobbling with the slightest movement. Her legs were pressed uselessly into what was once her underbelly, now permanently on display under the shadow of her ass. Partially buried in the rolls of her back, her wings flapped uselessly. They couldn't fold against her body anymore, stuck half-extended but still comfortable. Fluttershy was never one to complain, but Rarity was certain she was comfortable enough.
Well, maybe not right now. She was testing out one of the first garments in Rarity’s new line, “Bovine Boutique.” It had been quite difficult pulling cow-print thigh highs over Fluttershy’s massive, jiggling thighs, even with magic. The thong was even more complicated— Rarity made a note to replace the elastic waistband with string straps for easy dressing. The bikini top was perfect though, lifting her ample chest into a plush pillow beneath her chins.
Fluttershy kneaded her gloved forehooves nervously into her upper belly, blushing scarlet. “Are you sure about this, Rarity? I feel a bit silly…”
“Oh please, darling. Pegasi are so last season. Everyone who's anyone is talking about cows now.”
Rarity patted the broad expanse of Fluttershy’s stomach with her hoof, sending a ripple across her soft furry body. She expected trepidation, but it was far too late for that. There was no going back, not when Fluttershy’s hooves could barely touch the ground, let alone propel her flightless heft forward. It had been a week since she'd even been able to leave the boutique under her own power. Now, Rarity could barely lift her with her magic. She'd need to ask Twilight for help getting her to her next runway show…
“Besides, it's already been done.” Rarity stood, reaching out to cup Fluttershy’s chubby cheeks. The yellow mare tried to shy away from Rarity’s adoring touch, receding back into a roll of neck fat. “You look gorgeous like this, the weight suits you. Now you're as soft outside as I know you are inside.”
If it was possible to blush anymore, Fluttershy did. “You… You really think so?”
“I know so. When you walk that runway— or when I roll you down it, everypony in the audience will be envious. You'll be the talk of Equestria, the cow-mare supermodel.” She could see the headlines now, already planning how she would pose for the articles about her genius new clothing line and how she scouted the perfect model. And of course, the many photos of Fluttershy that would result from this whole endeavor. The photographer would have a hard time getting all of her into frame…
“They’ll be expecting you to maintain it. Don't fret, I'll help you, of course. You can stay here in Carousel Boutique and I’ll manage your diet and your career.” She groped at her friend’s soft chest, imagining how much it might grow with another month of this treatment. A year, even. If Fluttershy kept getting bigger, she'd stay in the spotlight and so would Rarity’s designs. “You’re the best friend a pony could have, Fluttershy. I know you won't let me down.”
The prospect of a career like this made Fluttershy worry. She was meant to be home with her animals. They were in capable hooves now, thanks to Rarity, but they probably missed her. She swallowed nervously, and that action made her suddenly aware of how empty her stomach felt. Rarity usually fed her right around now, and she wouldn't be able to do it on her own. As usual, she easily conceded to the pressure. “Of course, Rarity… I'll do my best.”