In the not-so-distant future, ponies of all kinds will be able to live comfortable, happy lives anywhere and everywhere... and we really do mean everywhere! As we take to the skies and beyond, ponykind's fiery spirit for adventure and wonder will be as ceaseless a blaze as our Princess' glorious sun. It will not be unheard of, even, should we collectively decide to build our own miniature paradises that hang in the space between worlds, perhaps even orbiting planets other than our own. Here, we shall construct elaborate, magically shielded biospheres capable of supplying a pony's every need, from food and shelter to happiness and play. Our ambition is limited only by our passionate imaginations and our loyal friendships to one another... truly, it is a glorious time to be!
We shall look back on the days when some of us had little or nothing at all and think to ourselves, "so long, dreary past!." Even the poorest amongst us shall be raised up as princesses amongst princesses and princes, given ground to stand upon, to gallop towards that bright future they wish for. The days of dire need are no longer! Let us celebrate together our newfound peace and harmony, for in poverty and misfortunes in life, however rare they may be these days, true friends are the surest refuge of all. Let us lift up one another through the beautiful magic of friendship!
Ah, I've been wanting to share this one publicly for some time now, but I had been a bit busy with newer projects. This picture was originally created for the "Nuclear Neighs and Deco Days" artpack, from which the proceeds went to help Fallen Oak Equine Rescue cover their costs of operation for a full month! Once I heard it was to benefit real horses, I was sold and insisted upon joining; what more worthy a cause to donate my time, no? I don't consider myself to be a crazy good artist, but just being able to help at all is a joyous thing.
Anyhow, not to get too sappy, I wanted to just share this with you all since the DNP on this artpack has been lifted. I really enjoyed the vibes I was able to capture with this piece... just the joy, playfulness, excitement, and even the cool spacey themed atmosphere here. I'm actually a total nerd when it comes to thinking about the future, like building orbital habitats and whatnot. Just the idea of being able to do that at some future point in time captivates me.
If there is another art pack to help out Fallen Oaks, I will certainly join in to help. I have one more fun space themed pic I wanna share, which is my second contribution to this pack, so until my next post, I hope y'all decide to keep it classy, ponefriends ;)