Here's a comic done by @Riiefu based on a short story I wrote for an alternate version of Pinkie Pie who is a knight in the world of the Capcom video games Ghosts N' Goblins, Ghouls N' Ghosts and the Maximo series. This is a fan-make for the Tex Avery cartoon Jerky Turkey. Pinkie Pie finds a magic bracelet in a chest while jogging and uses it to stop a female oni hunting humans for Thanksgiving.
Pinkie Pie relishes her new leaf bikini and flashes back to the time the chest witch Trixie cursed her into a barrel, Fluttershy into a leaf bikini and Rainbow Dash into a mermaid before remembering her mission.
Here is the first part of the story: https://www.deviantart.com/iloveladies2/art/Jerky-Pinkie-Chapter-1-a-Jerky-Turkey-Fan-make-1100508376