Speedpaint for pic: https://youtu.be/RJ8AYnbZhXA?si=0d3ENA7R57dhX95M
(G4 ending AU. Opaline tries taking over Canterlor far in the future after the rest of the mane 6 are gone.)
High Above Canterlot City, Equestria's golden age of peace and harmony came to an end with one simple move.
Princess Twilight Sparkle, the last of the legendary rulers, allowed her magic grip to slip on the three crystals that now contained all of ponykind magic.
The three bright crystals tumbled down to the waiting city below, just as a cry of a bitter fire alicorn, Opaline roared from above.
Twilight knew her magic was fading as the crystals fell farther and farther away, she glanced briefly to the ground as all three pony tribes broke apart in their own war, a power struggle over the remaining magic.
Opaline screamed as she poured all she had left into a blast, sending it down to collide with Twilight's protective shield once again.
There was a snap, followed by a violent pain that shot through her whole body, followed by the dread, unending cold dread as Twilight realized her magic was cut off.
Time slowed down as the small fragments rained down across the sky, mixing with loose feathers. Despite the end, she couldn't help but smile with a sigh of relief. Her duties were finally over...
Now with her faithful horn shattered, the old alicorn grew weak as her wings finally gave up, allowing her to plummet to the city below as the last element of Harmony faded.