Its been awhile since the update with these models dropped, I should've made a post like this way back then... ah well. Heres all of the new -Pony- related models, to the bird lovers don't worry... Talon Company got a LOT of love, i'll post something about them shortly.
Anyway, to those who've seen the old models you're probably a bit curious about the massive change in design. That lies with Equestria at War, they made a new model to replace the ponies and zebra. So I did what any other modder would do and got to work with the new ones. Relegating some (Like the old Power Armor Model) to serve as a base for combat robots... other models went in the trash heap, like the old Alicorns.
I also decided to stick with the Gen4 Eye design as opposed to EaW's odd choice in switching to the Gen5 Squintie Eyes... I'm not a huge fan of them. On top of all of this, I decided to make actual armor and equipment for the models.