"Thanks again for helping me get the suit, Tavi, and for putting up with my ideas earlier in the month..."
"Vinyl, we've lived together for how long? Your antics are hardly anything new. Hope that things go well with the show tonight, your whole 'puffing bubbles' plan works out and all. Try to not end up too round yourself, don't want to have to roll you back home..."
"C'mon Tavi, have a little faith in me! At least I opted to go as a pooltoy, that P-235 stuff doesn't fill those like it does regular folks."
"Fair points, fair points. Well, you have fun, DJ Squeak-3~"
Nightmare night is upon Ponyville once again, and Vinyl's prepped and ready for DJing at a costume party, with her clever puffy plan finally having all its kinks seemingly ironed out. Tavi, meanwhile, seems to be settling in for a nice night in, handing out candy and just enjoying the festivities in her own way. Am sure the evening will go quite pleasantly for the both of them~