"I may be the Princess of Errors, but that mistake was all yours."
Made for Newbie Artist Training Grounds Alumni prompt: Draw a pony superhero / draw a pony vigilante, and a sequel to Nightmare Bucket and Downpour.
Featuring G5 background character Bucket (placeholder name voted on through YouTube Poll) aka. Shiny Sparks (alternative placeholder name voted on through Derpibooru) inspired by their re-occurring alicorn animation errors. Also featuring the Nightmare version of the character from the aforementioned images.
Also featuring G4 background character Alula aka. Princess Erroria inspired by her slowed aging, famous alicorn animation error and subsequent alicorn Easter egg.
Been looking forward to trying something like this for some time, basically seeing what happens when an adult Princess Erroria unleashes her full power. I ... may have gone a little overboard. The symbols floating around her are the three different cutie marks she's been seen with. The eye on her forehead is a reference to Noteworthy's famous Cyclops animation error.
As for why Erroria is literally wearing a bucket on her head... Nedemai suggested it and I included it because it felt right. Best rationalisation I can give is that it's there to show Erroria is standing up for Bucket the character. I genuinely don't have a better answer X]