%*CLank* *CLank*% *CLank* *CLank* ''Pheeew! I'm done with today, I'm gonna hit the shower! Here, you can have my cape, it slows me down. Keep it, throw it away, I don't care.'' *CLank* *CLank* %*CLank* ''Wait a minute'' *CLank*% *CLank* *CLank* ''Heeeyuuh you are out of uniform soldier! Where is your flight armor? Don't have any? You expect me to believe that? Report to the armory and have a new set of flight armor issued to you, then report back to me! You and I are going to have a one on one on how to take proper care of your armor private, and since your sloppyness robbed me of my shower believe me that the locker rooms will be filled with the beautiful sound of clashing metal! Now, dismissed! *CLank* *CLank* *CLank* *CLank* %*CLank* *CLank* ''And keep that cape!'' *CLank* *CLank*.........%