Creeptober 19 - Hometown Secrets
Cover for the Sunset Archives 2 chapter 1 - Tied to the Land
Statement of Applejack Apple, regarding her family traditions.
"At first, I thought that somehow I was back at the farmhouse, but the length of the stairs put paid to that idea pretty quick. We only got the two floors and the basement, and when I looked ‘round I couldn’t see the top of the staircase. When I turned forward again, though, I found I could see the bottom just fine, only a few steps away. What’s more, I could hear noises, the sound of hushed voices and the soft clatter of kitchenware. The smell of fresh apple pie wafted through the air, strong enough to make my mouth water.
I wasn’t about to be an idiot, you understand. I knew well enough that I’d been a damn fool to come down here all by my lonesome, especially seein’ what had nearly happened to poor Bloom. But I also guessed that the stairs that had led me down here weren’t gonna let me go up again so easily. Lo and behold, when I checked over my shoulder again, I could see that the stairs only went as far as the landing on the next floor.
So, I squared my shoulders and walked down those last few steps right into the front hall.
It looked… different than it should’ve. Not in a bad way, not necessarily, but it just felt a little bit… warped? That’s as good a word for it as any. Dark, too, with hardly any light from the ceiling and none at all from out the windows. ‘Course, I didn’t have too much time to think about it, ‘cause just then a man walked out into the hall, grinnin’ fit to split his face in two. “Well, well! Look who finally came on down to visit!” he said, spreading his arms wide.
“...Pa?” I whispered."