Hey guys, check out my fanmade Nintendo DS game, I called it My Little Pony Equestria Girls Detective Adventures (It's a fanmade video game I made up.), this one features the characters from Martin Mystery series! Martin Mystery, Diana Lombard and Java the Caveman teams up with Mario, Twilight Sparkle, Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Bloom (Winx Club), Sunset Shimmer and all others for solving the mystery at the Canterlot High School, they're about to know what kind of monster is causing this trouble and solve the mystery! Play as your favorite characters from My Little Pony Equestria Girls, Super Mario Bros., Winx Club and other series to investigate the school, find the clues that are hidden anywhere in the school and solve the mystery in Canterlot High! I had this idea from the Imagine Detective game!
Look at this picture: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nintendo/images/4/4c/ImagineDetective%28DS%29_%28NA%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20230606230356&path-prefix=en https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nintendo/images/e/eb/ImagineDetectiveAdventures%28DS%29%28EU%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20230606230344&path-prefix=en https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/D3sAAOSwTrdhGHQh/s-l1200.jpg
Template used: Nintendo DS Cover Template
Background used: Equestria Girls Canterlot High Inside Vector Canterlot High Outside Angled
Vectors used: Bloom Harmonix Stella Harmonix Aisha Harmonix Mario Odyssey Vector #65: Keeping it cool Spike the Dog MLP: EQG Vector - Sunset Shimmer (Posing) #2 MLP: EQG Vector - Rarity (Posing) #7 MLP: EQG Vector - Fluttershy (Posing) #2 MLP: EQG Vector - Rainbow Dash (Posing) #2 MLP: EQG Vector - Pinkie Pie (Posing) #2 MLP: EQG Vector Applejack (Posing) #3 Princess Peach [2] Kirby Sonic the Hedgehog [25] Pit [6] Sora (KH2) [2] Vector EQG Starlight Glimmer