After fusing with a broken alien organism, Blossom has gained incredible agility, flexibility, strength and flesh shifting abilities but she still has her skittishness characteristic of many ponies. Amusingly, she seems to have kept her fear of spiders despite enjoying her own spidery tentacle body as a favorite form for maximum flexibility and multitasking ability. One can only imagine the contortions her tentacle legs performed to suddenly jump and cling to the ceiling. A few of her tentacles' conveniences are on display, the toes of her tentacles rapidly transformed into wide pads bare of fur and widened to maximize the surface area and sticking van der Waals force of millions of microscopic gecko setae that allow her to cling to a smooth surface like the ceiling and support her weight. Whenever her flesh rapidly transforms or shapeshifts her skin is more visible through the stretched skin, the fur becoming thin and more pink. Also, her long neck tentacle shows off its impressive flexibility, able to twist to allow her head to be rightside up while the rest of her body is clinging to the ceiling upside down. It might be a good idea to get on this powerful and agile shapeshifter's good side, go get that spider for her! She's a bit of a softie tho so maybe try to catch it and release it outside instead of killing it. (Queue even more awkwardness and embarrassment as the ridiculousness of a powerful shapeshifter like blossom being afraid of a tiny insect, she definitely owes you a favor after this!)
Thank you to Mutter for doing an excellent job of illustrating Blossom's ability to crawl on ceilings as a tentacle spider. Always wanted my vision to be quickly described through art and this really helps!
If you want to read BlossomThing's story, click here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/258844/blossomthing