Twintails: "Alright, better safe than sorry, let's get some masks on for finishing the filling. I, eheh, think you've already had enough swelling here for today."
Octavia: "Oh, come now, you know as well as I this is hardly an inconvenience, at least at the current size. Though, I suppose I would like to still fit in the cabin once we're finished..."
Twintails: "That's more my concern, yeah, there is a bunkroom here if needs be but better to not have to use it. You know how to put on a gas mask like these?"
Octavia: "Hm, actually yes, though the last time I did do so it still wound up with me having quite the belly afterwards, eheh. Granted, wasn't using a traditional filter that time..."
Gaseous P-235 is primarily a swelling hazard when inhaled, and leaks are inevitable with some filling fittings, so our intrepid duo gets themselves prepared for finishing the unloading process than they might get to head home on time today. Shenanigans may be averted... then again, shenanigans are also inevitable~