It's been a great night so far. You're enjoying an expensive Saddle Arabian cigar in the VIP suite, looking out over the vast wilderness of the Griffonstone lowlands. Unlike the highlands, sprawling forests and rivers cover this well-guarded, verdant valley between the peaks, pouring out to a sparkling moonlit sea. You blow some smoke rings at the moon, watching in a relaxed stupor as the swirling smoke dissipates around Luna's silver light. As you think back on the day, being an ambassador from Equestria to one of the most prestigious griffon Houses this side of the Celestial Sea, you hear a quiet knock on the door to your suite. As you invite the late-night guest inside, you see a lovely griffon lady with a green scarf about her neck meekly greet you with a flash of her talons. She beckons you quietly towards the door as if to share a secret with you... intrigued, you stow away your expensive cigar and follow her flicking tail out of the suite.
She introduces herself in the hallway as Greta, a big fan of the new relations that you're helping to establish between the two nations. You downplay your role, of course, trying to be humble about your minor position, but she won't have any of it. She says she would love to introduce you to some friends of hers that are even more eager to make your acquaintance. You assume that they must want some autographs and ready your pen, another expensive gift granted to you by your gracious hosts, though as you approach the doors to a "Master Suite", Greta seems almost unable to contain her excitement. She unlocks the door and holds out a talon, ushering you inside. It's dark... but as you step inside, you catch the reflecting yellows of two sets of griffon eyes across the room. Greta slowly turns up the lights at a dial behind you, illuminating two lasciviously dressed griffonesses. One seems kindly, almost angelic and sweet in her demeanor, fluttering her eyelashes and greeting you with a kindly smile. She spins around one of the supports of a huge canopy bed as if poledancing, stopping with a flourish. Meanwhile... another griffoness dressed in tight red latex and spikes looks you up and down with a hungry smile and devious eyes. She tightens her grip on what looks like a... riding crop?! Well, at least it's pony themed... she looks just as eager as her softer counterpart to "meet" you.
Greta runs her talons down your neck, then whispers "Enjoy, Mr. Ambassador~" before she turns and exits the room. The last thing you see is her tail brush over your cheek as you stare in stunned awe at the girls before you... this is surely going to be a long, rewarding night...
Finally, I get to post this piece! I made this a few months back for an art pack that was themed all around lingerie, which was fun to design for these two radically different griffoness gals. I dunno if you know my headcanon on Gabby and Gilda, specifically, but judging from like 7 scenes in the show, I have a hunch that the animators implied these two are actually sisters! That's just an unconfirmed theory, but if that makes this pic a little lewder for ya, then indulge yourself!
So as I was saying, this was originally made for "The Bridle Bliss Catalogue", a charity pack that donated all of its sales to help fund Mare Fair 2024's really cool game room (which was really cool, btw). I made this pic, a solo pic with just Gabby being her adorasexy self, and then I even made one lingerie photo featuring my extremely rarely drawn ponysona, Jr! I'll post that up a lil later, but for now, please enjoy these wonderful griffonesses. Figuring out the layering to make everything look good was a pain, but oh so worth it. Ah, this pic is truly a dream come true for a classy degenerate such as myself. Give me all the griffons, please!
Until next time, I hope all y'all decide to keep it classy, ponefriends ;)