Hired Gun: "Pfft, okay."
Blackjack: "This mare is such a toolbag."
It's TOOOOTALLY her, you guys!
Yeah, it was pretty heartening to see the whole world in agreement about how awful that Minecraft movie trailer looked.
The thing is, this could work; as I've mentioned before here, Littlepip does not have a physical description in the story, so you really can't complain about actress choice. :) Ponies that have actually seen her, like Murky and Blackjack, might beg to differ, lol. I've borrowed Vldmr07's version again for this.
Puppy Smiles belongs to mimezinga
Murky Number Seven belongs to FuzzyVeeVee
Hired Gun belongs to No One
Blackjack belongs to Somber
Littlepip belongs to kkat, but this iteration was made by Vldmr07