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![Size: 1785x1800 | Tagged: questionable, artist:dudey64, part of a set, princess luna, oc, oc:speculo, alicorn, pony, bedwetting, blanket, blushing, crotch bulge, eyes closed, female, flattened, flattening, hat, image, inanimate tf, mare, nightcap, onomatopoeia, pissing, png, sleeping, transformation, urine, wetting](https://cdn.twibooru.org/img/2024/9/24/3343497/medium.png)
A cute little comic Mint made when I was feeling bleh and told Mint to just squish me and use me like a blanket. Speck being more maleable than a normal changeling does end up in him having a wider variety of uses, for the better or worse.
#Princess Luna #Speculo #Watersports #NSFW #Flattening
Sep 21st, 2018
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