Hushabye Baby
Heart Singer fondly smiled as this adorable little filly, Amberlue was soundly sleeping in her arms. Heart Singer had found her lost in the woods, crying out for help, Heart Singer was more than happy to take in and calm the poor thing. But this cave was somewhat chilly, and soon night would be here. Heart Singer decided to take Amberlue back to town in the morning and made sure the filly would have a good rest. Very carefully wrapping Amberlue with thick webs, they were soft and warm, and could easily pull apart if there was an emergency. Heart Singer then made a hammock and heard a whimper from the filly.
"What's the matter sweetie?" Heart Singer asked quietly.
"I-I'm scared of the dark." The filly replied. Heart Singer thought a moment, and smiled.
"I know just the thing." With that, Heart Singer quickly made a few webs and hung them from her out stretched legs, Not long, fireflies began to gather, floating around and glowing softly, some were caught in the web, but just for a moment, before taking off again, natural night lights. Amberlue sighed happily and snuggled into Heart Singer's warm fur and went to sleep, safe in Heart Singer's motherly embrace, holding her and gently stroking her back, letting the filly know she was safe.
Yay! cute and heart warming drider stuff! ^
Amberlue @ MaelstromConnor. He's a real cool dude, check him out!