Borg said:
Obviously we need a resistant journal (that will survive whatever conditions we adventure through), some magic ink (you never know when you'll need to note down secrets), and some blank scrolls (so we don't have to take from our friends' scroll supplies to send messages); we might as well pick up a marker and a highlighter too since they're cheap.As for style, I'm in favor of some decorative masking tape. [...]
You settle on a high-grade journal bound in rose-red fabric to match your mane, a couple of blue pens to add some colour for emphasis, and some starry masking tape to give the pages a personal touch — as well as some extra supplies for the road. Meanwhile, Moonflower purchases a roll of crayons.
You trade 29 Gold Bits for 5 Blank Scrolls, Decorative Masking Tape Roll, Highlighter, Marker, Pot of Magic Ink and Resistant Journal.
Shopkeeper: "Thank you, come again!"
After bidding farewell to the shopkeeper and leaving the store, you decide to head to the nearest park. Before anything else, you figure that you should take a moment to start your quest log off on the right hoof.
Honourshine: "Fair enough. Keeping your journal up to date is a habit you'd better learn sooner than later."
Moonflower: "Ooh, and I wanna try out these new crayons I got!"
You make your way to a vacant picnic table and sit down with your friends in the shade of a yellow-leafed tree. While you think over what to write in your new book, Moonflower begins to doodle in her own.
Honourshine: "You seemed excited for these. Have you never had crayons before?"
Moonflower: "Nuh uh! But I got to try 'em once when we made our Temples an' Titans characters, an' I thought they would be super useful for drawin' pictures o' plants an' stuff."
Honourshine: "Hm. Did you know the soft end is used to blend colours together? Here, try rubbing it on this part..."
Moonflower: "... Whoa, cool‼"
Before long, your thoughts are neatly organized across the pages of your journal. Then, once the ink is quickly dried, you mark and highlight some important keywords, and decorate the empty spaces with lengths of masking tape.
You use Quill Pen, Pot of Black Ink, Marker, Highlighter and Decorative Masking Tape Roll* to craft **Resistant Journal into Trailblazer's Journal.
Satisfied with your first entries, you close your journal, and look over to your companions. Moonflower seems to be almost done combining each colour with every other, filling an entire page with various experimental gradients.
Moonflower: "This is a lotta fun! Ya think I should learn how to draw ponies?"
Honourshine: "Depends. By ponies, do you mean Blaze?"
Moonflower: "Heehee! Ya got me."
You grin, and tell Moonflower that you wouldn't mind modelling for her. After all, your time with Leaf Chaser taught you quite a few poses that best showcase the masculine side of your princely figure.
Honourshine: "Something tells me neither of your intentions are entirely artistic."
Moonflower: "Heeheehee! But if you like eatin', ya better learn to cook, right?"
Honourshine: "... I suppose so. Are we all done here?"
You nod, and feeling better prepared, you begin to consider where to go next. And while the sun climbs to the heights of midday, your lie-in and hefty breakfast are certain to keep you running until late in the evening.
You now have a quest journal! While carrying it, a summary of your current objectives will be displayed below the latest page.
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