"Come, Sir Iron Reign...come join your Princess in her chambers, and see what kindness your services merit~"
Part of a pair of YCH's I gifted to my friend, featuring his ponysona: Iron Reign in the Nightmare Takeover Timeline, a world in which he sided with the challenger to the throne of Equestria, fulfiling his original mission to end the era of coddling, stagnating peace under Celestia's rule. Following the establishment of the new order, he has decided that he has paid enough service to demanding spirits, and any claiming to be arbiters of cosmic balance. Instead, he has chosen to pledge his loyalty and oath to his true liege, his beloved princess, Nightmare Moon. X3
After a long moon-cycle at court (of course, days are no longer used as a measurement of time under Equestria's Eternal Night), Nightmare Moon decides to retire to her chambers, and invites her favoured knight to join her.
It's the kind of invitation that comes with neither an option of refusal or the privilege of being the top...still, it's not like Iron Reign would refuse even if he wanted to. As Captain of her Honour Guard and her favourite knight, he swore and oath to serve and appease her desires. The fact that he enjoys his duties immensely is just a nice little bonus. ^
Well okay, more then a little bonus...still, by the time she's satisfied her urges, he might be craving for a slower and more relaxing evening for the following nights.
Given his own libido, it's unlikely, but still possible. X3
Art is by the supremely talented, incredibly patient and surprisingly affordable: TheWandie, thank you for all your hard work! And for the rest of you, if you want quality pony art that won't cost a month's pay and your firstborn son, I cannot recommend her enough! :3