(tumblr desc.)
lore stuff…
the pegasus empire is largely not on the ground, they have a number of cloud cities although cloudsdale is the capital and the largest. the vast majority of unicorns live in canterlot, which has grown down the sides of a snowy mountain, with the castle at the top. earth ponies live in many small towns throughout their territory, with ponyville being the largest. the smaller towns look there for guidance and leadership. the zebra research camp is the only zebra-founded town, but zebras live throughout earth pony territory these days.
unicorns often have solid colored coats, with very few markings. what markings they do have tend not to be natural irl horse markings (although appaloosa is not uncommon). a solid colored coat is a prized beauty standard. often have cloven hooves, and sometimes have small beards. pegasi come in all sorts of colors, but blue is very common. they are almost never solid white, or solid any color for that matter. earth ponies are most likely to occur in natural warm earthy colors- brown, bay, palomino, et cetera. solid colors are fairly uncommon. most likely to have natural horse markings. may have zebra stripes. zebras come in many, many colors, purple and blue tints being most common, but obviously always have stripes. their hooves are cloven, and they often have beards
(twt desc.)
lore map... the continent is shaped like a comet just because
it's NOT an alternate equestria i just didn't want to come up with city names
pegasus empire is largely not on the ground, they have a number of cloud cities although cloudsdale is the capital and the largest. the vast majority of unicorns live in canterlot, which has grown down the sides of a snowy mountain, with the castle at the top
earth ponies live in many small towns throughout their territory, with ponyville being the largest. the smaller towns look there for guidance and leadership. the zebra research camp is the only zebra-founded town, but zebras live throughout earth pony territory these days
id love to have this styled as an nice old-timey map someday, but for now this rough idea is alright