"Oh, we're so glad we finally found you, you silly overworking pegasus - didn't you know yesterday was a holiday! Minty and I had such a wonderful time celebrating together already, but everyone knows a band needs more than just two bouncy plaid performers, and you really do need to relax and enjoy yourself a bit more~ Don't worry yourself one little bit, we'll get you just as big, rumbly, and parpy as a proper plaid dragon ought to be~"
So caught up in my work with implements of empuffening I was that it seems I missed a very important holiday! No matter, Minty and Teannta were along to help remind me, and even if it's the next day on they still wasted little time in getting me all caught up in the festivities~
After all, everyone ought get to enjoy inflating a dragon, or being inflated into one as cases may be~