Artist's description:
Commission for Jycrow - "Before the Infinite Eclipse"
VIDEO HERE: youtu.be/MThiY6k5hiE
Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon were vanquished by the United Equestrian Pact (the UEP). The sisters were presumed dead, but the survivors would soon realize all was far from over. No longer bound to the confines of mortality, they broke free from their former hosts, their mere presence exuding overwhelming power manifesting in raw energy. As their influence spread, some began to burn, and others were crystallized where they stood -- they were being corrupted in both body and soul. The sun goddess shined with the brilliance of her past golden armor, her body coursing with magic, her mane and tail ablaze. The moon goddess similarly glistened in her crystalline form, her dark magic collapsing the ground beneath her into pure diamond. The transformation was swift, and with it came a gigantic and devastating explosion, either completely annihilating or corrupting most of the remaining forces.