Flurry's Trap Part Two Page 1/7 Remodeled
It is practically the same as in the one that was published months ago but here I have corrected errors etc.How would the neck, the mane and the muzzle be Enjoy it
Alan:Agh Flurry stop, because you take me like food, FLURRY !!!
Flurry:Sorry, I can't speak with my mouth full, Wait a minute {He Tastes As Good As Cake, if I had known I would have swallowed it long ago}
[Alan felt it slide down Flurry's throat, just to be swallowed]
Alan:Nooooo wait Flurry, Flurry wait, don't do it, FLURRY !!!
Alan:Nooooooo !!!!!
To be continue...
All'sWork Studios
a LittleNight Company
By AldaírSparkle