Athena Crete is the ambitious and dedicated daughter of Colgate Minuette who joined in the Equestrian Armed Forces during the height of the Great War between Equestria and the zebra nation. Rising in infamy among her fellow Desert Rangers and achieving the prestigious rank of Lieutenant Colonel, she led a small cohort of fearless individuals, dubbed Alpha Squad, as their designated Anti-Material riflemare. Following the tragic conclusion of the war and life as she knew it, Athena kept herself busy by working as an elite mercenary. This lifestyle allowed her to perfect her various skillsets, including the ability to shoot and kill targets from over 2 miles away, as well as further develop her passion for bullet making and armor collecting. She’s also a fine cook, enjoys a good nap every now and then, played bass back in the day, and indulges herself in more feminine tastes when it comes to romance (though she will accept the occasional griffon or two when in the mood for males). After countless years of partaking in the life of a hitmare, it would not be difficult to assume that Athena had lost, or was at least severely lacking in, that nurturing, motherly side that is inherent within most mares, but after experiencing a few unexpected circumstances during a rather controversial mission, she finds herself questioning her beliefs as her world gets turned upside down yet again.
You can check out more about Athena's adventures in action right here on FIMfiction: