Originally posted on: November 10, 2021, 11:08 PM UTC
Meanwhile| MLP Next Gen | Plans part 5
I have 2 courses i'm taking at my sixth form but i finally managed to finish this 😁In this part we see the young draconequus/pony hybrid Princess Pandy, having heard of the return of Sombra and the dangers that brings, trying to convince her mother to let her help. We also see the Mane 6 confronting Sombra with the Elements and the Kids setting off to try to help! Will the mane 6 fix all of this or will the new generation need to step up in their place?
Celestia: Pandy, sweetheart, what's bothering you? You don't seem as energetic as usual.
Pandy: Mom, i wanna try and help with the Sombra Problem.
Celestia: Pandy, Twilight and her friends can handle this. You know that.
Pandy: I know but... I guess i can't help but think something bigger is happening. I mean, why was he even revived? Who would have done that?
Celestia: I understand, I want to know those answer too, we can find them once this mess is over. But it's far too dangerous for you to go help, you don't have the elements to help you and your magic is far too unpredictable to be reliable.
Pandy: Yeah Yeah, I know.
Pandy, mumbling: walking out of the castle I'm gonna go, I'm gonna help. Who cares that it's dangerous, Auntie Twi and her friends could be in serious danger!
Celestia: spots her Pandy, where are you going?
Pandy: O-Oh! Hi mom, i'm just gonna go hang out with my ponyville friends, if that's okay?
Celestia: Hmmm... I suppose, just be back soon okay?
Pandy: Okay mom! Bye!
Pandy: Right, now to find Auntie Twi, find out why all this is happening and save the day. That can't be too hard, right?
Meanwhile with the Mane 6
Twilight: Sombra! Return the crystal heart!
Sombra: Now why would i do that, Princess? So you can destroy me again? I don't think so.
Twilight: We have other ways to defeat you! You will not lay a hoof in the crystal empire again!
Sombra: Oh really? Your little jewellery set is going to defeat me? I doubt that!
Rainbow: Enough with the chit-chat! Let's blast him and get this over with!
Meanwhile with the Kids
Cobalt:Alright! We just have to get the first train to the Crystal Empire and see if we can help the Crystal Ponies, so let's get going guys!
Apple Pie: Are we absolutely sure this is a good idea, Cobalt?
Cobalt: Absolutely!
Sapphire: I mean, our parents /did/ say to stay back here in town while they dealt with it...
Cobalt: But they can't handle everything at once, Sapph! We gotta help the Crystal Ponies while Auntie Cadence and Uncle Shining are shielding everypony.Sapphire: I guess you're right..
Bases by:
ElementBases TeePew MathisNotmy PonyBasesRUs AngelLight-Bases ShiiBases PinkieDBases
Notes: I struggled with with drawing the designs (that i made!) for this piece, no cue why tho.
MLP belongs to hasbro
All Next Gens I use belong to me.