Name: Umbra
"I may be heartless, but you're naive."
Parents: Princess Luna, Chrysalis
Species: half alicorn, half changeling
Gender: female
Build: very tall ( a little taller than mommy Luna), slim
Special Talent: rising up the stars
Nickname(s): Umby (by luna only)General Bio:
Umbra doesn't shy away from luxuries and opportunities that would keep her above regular ponies, she loved feeling special. She loves power. As a hybrid of an Alicorn and changeling she was always been seen as different or odd, instead of sobbing in the corner of the classroom like her younger sister she embraced it. Umbra grew to love enticing fear in the faces of other ponies, it became sort of a high to her.She never liked the way her mothers were so nice to everypony, they had so much power, why keep it hidden? Even worse, her little sister was growing to be like them...nice. She loves her sister, doesn't like to admit it but she does. Though, she puts herself before anyone else.
Using her changeling powers shes able to made ponies follow her every demand, plus her use of seduction constantly. She's pretty, why not use it to her advantage? She's set on gaining as much power as possible, now it only her damn family wouldn't get in the way...
-she absolutely loves nightmare moon and always tries to manipulate her mother into becoming her, no successes yet though-her hair is her world
-she likes to transform herself into grotesque, veil creatures to scare others even more
-master manipulator
-seduces both mare and stallions but only has a really interest in mares
-Umbra's magic is powerful, powerful enough to raise the stars and she has no problem aligning them into less than appealing shapes
-whatever you do, don't ask her what happened to her eye
-Umbra has been kicked out of schools multiple times when she was a little filly for constant terrifying pranks
(may add more later!!)