Uploaded by Anonymous #7568
1920x1042 PNG 222 kB This post is blocked by your current filter - click here to display it anyway
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![Size: 1920x1042 | Tagged: safe, derpibooru import, dhx media, angel wings, loosey-goosey, short fuse, sky stinger, vapor trail, pegasus, pony, g4, top bolt, leak, adobe animate, adobe flash, flash asset, image, png](https://cdn.twibooru.org/img/2024/8/19/3297833/medium.png)
"leaked file example.png"
The search for leak-related images continues. This one's a screencap of someone digging into a Flash file for a scene from Top Bolt.
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+-SH safeUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter2399928+-SH derpibooru importUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter2826942+-SH dhx mediaUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter110+-SH angel wingsUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter343+-SH loosey-gooseyUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter35+-SH short fuseUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter183+-SH sky stingerUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter700+-SH vapor trailUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter1530+-SH pegasusUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter501421+-SH ponyUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter1526037+-SH g4UnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter130976+-SH top boltUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter992+-SH leakUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter2423+-SH adobe animateUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter115+-SH adobe flashUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter200+-SH flash assetUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter30+-SH imageUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter1150259+-SH pngUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter674322