When Trixie was approached by her former sworn enemy Twilight Sparkle with a personal request, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. According to Twilight, there was a very special position open in the royal court, and Trixie's unique talents made her a perfect fit for it... With her ego and curiosity stroked like that, Trixie simply could not refuse the offer, and showed up to Twilight's very special interview.
In hindsight, perhaps Twilight's mysterious grin should have tipped Trixie off. Perhaps Trixie should have suspected that Twilight was referring not to her magical talents, but to her past as an... exotic dancer. It only made sense that a Princess would have access to that sort of information. But none of that really mattered anymore.
You see, being a Princess is a stressful job. There has to be something to take your mind off all the responsibility and help you relax. And so Twilight decided to bring back the ancient tradition of taking in royal concubines, and she had the perfect candidate in mind.
Naturally, Trixie was shocked to discover the truth. At first, overwhelmed by all sorts of conflicting feelings, she was unresponsive. Eventually, her pride probably would have won out and she would have probably just run away cursing Twilight's name. But Twilight was not a Princess of Friendship for nothing, and she knew exactly how to push Trixie's buttons to peel off her pride and expose what was beneath... her *true** nature. Safe to say, by the end of the night, Trixie had signed the contract to become Twilight's official royal concubine.*
Twilight had some peculiar ideas on how to manage Trixie's prideful nature. Being shrunk in size and kept in a cage for most of the day certainly did a lot to condition her new pet to accept her true nature. Soon, The Tamed and Domesticated Trixie was eager to dance in a cage for her Mistress' amusement. And at night, Twilight would let her out, and then the real fun would begin...
That's why it didn't really matter how Trixie arrived here... Thanks to her Mistress' wisdom, she found her true calling as a royal pet. And to The Tamed and Domesticated Trixie, nothing mattered more than being a good pet to her Mistress.