Flag of the communist Griffonian Democratic Republic, based in North Cloudbury.
After the Second Great War, which saw Adam Geistler's Griffonian Reich defeated and conquered, with Geistler himself committing suicide during the Battle of Griffonheim, what remained of the Herzland and of the Republic was divided into two nations.
North Griffonia, officially the Griffonian Democratic Republic, is one of the two nations born after the fall of the Reich, encompassing the former Republic. Born out of Occupation Zones 5 and 6, it is a communist puppet regime backed by the Socialist Union and the Comintern. Its capital city is North Cloudbury.
Meanwhile, South Griffonia, or the Griffonian Imperial Republic, the other country created after the fall of Geistler's regime in Zones 1 through 4, is an Equestrian/UPA-backed harmonic puppet regime encompassing all of the Herzland. Its capital city is Griffonheim.
After the Second Great War, which saw the Allied Forces defeating Adam Geistler's National Communist Reich, the Changeling Empire led by Kaiserin Chrysalis, and the resurgent Storm Kingdom, a war which saw the first use of a Crystal Nuke (see TNO Ponylon) in combat, both Cloudbury and Griffonia were divided into six Occupation Zones: Zone 1 (Equestria), Zone 2 (Crystal Empire), Zone 3 (Aquileia), Zone 4 (Wingbardy), Zone 5 (Stalliongrad), and Zone 6 (Skynavia). They are now divided into North Griffonia and North Cloudbury, hailing from Occupation Zones 5 and 6, and South Griffonia and South Cloudbury, which consists of Occupation Zones 1, 2, 3, and 4.