the benefits of earth pony cuisine
Growing up in Cloudsdale, Fluttershy was always disappointed with traditional pegasi cuisine. It tasted good, good enough. But it wasn't filling. Pegasi needed to be light and quick on their wings, their recipes were designed to nourish but not to weigh down. Even going back for seconds, Fluttershy never felt truly full.
That is, until she moved to Ponyville.
Earth pony food has substance to it. It was hearty and heavy, created to fuel strong, stocky bodies that pulled plows and dug in the earth. It had warmth and flavor that lifted the spirits after a long day of work.
The first time Fluttershy ever tried it, she was at Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack was one of the first ponies she met in Ponyville, and eager to roll out the welcome wagon in the form of a family dinner. Fluttershy was unused to that sort of hospitality, too stunned by nerves to say no as she was pushed to the dinner table and presented with a heaping plate. She had never tasted anything like it, flavorful and greasy and filling. For the first time in her life, she was full.
Her appetite snowballed from there. Earth pony food was too delicious to resist, and she had many years of poor nutrition to make up for. Every meal was savored to the last bite, and followed up with seconds or thirds.
Soon, her weak wings could no longer carry her off the ground. No matter, she hadn't flown in months anyway. But when her legs struggled to lift her weight, when her belly started to drag along the ground and the journey from her cottage to town and back became difficult... that's when she knew she needed help.
Luckily, the Apple family had more than enough room for her, and willing hooves to feed a very hungry mouth. Applejack brought her most meals throughout the day, when she could no longer fit through the door to the kitchen. Put up in the spacious, cozy barn, she now spends her days keeping the farm animals company sampling even more of what Earth pony cuisine has to offer.