After becoming an Alicorn Princess Twilight often found the amount of power and responsibility overwhelming until Celestia showed her a little trick she used to deal with it.
Once a month Celestia travelled to Saddle Arabia, where she would strip herself of her royal vestments and dress in dancer’s silks to spend the night serving the kingdom's men. For one night in a place they called the Pleasure Palace she would move her body only for their enjoyment as they watched and smiled. Abandon all royal dignity to shake her hips enticingly for them, serve their every whim in her performance and sometimes when the dance was done and the applause all over, sometimes she was called to serve them in other ways.
The experience relaxed her immensely, giving up all her power and control for one night a month helped her feel balanced and gave her an appreciation for what it was like for those without power. She had been doing it for years, eventually going with Cadance and Luna as well and now it was Twilight's turn to enjoy it.
The four flew together to the pleasure palace, Twilight was given a private room in which to change, the others had no such need. The sisters stripped and redressed each other, Cadance watched and fantasised about doing the same to Twilight someday. All four rejoined once dressed though they could hardly call the bare strips of cloth and gold coverings. After all they were only there to hide and tempt and stir the imaginations and intentions of the watching men.
They were led to the dancer's circle and there as the musicians held their breath they were stood silently before the audience. The eyes of the men there fixed on them, conversations stopped and lips were licked as hungry gazes fixated on barely hidden womanhood covered only by loincloths and breast bands. On pretty made up faces usually fixed with expressions of royal dignity and soft flat stomachs each one capable of carrying a powerful Alicorn child and heir to the foreign kingdom of Equestria.
All at once the music began drums, strings, flutes and cheering and whooping men and each girl had no choice but to dance.
Cadance had taken to it immediately ever since her first time and now she was the best dancer among them. Confidently swinging her hips and her veils to the beat of the music. Proudly showing off the flat stomach she had regained not long after giving birth. She loved it, the attention, the demands, the absence of any emotion but sheer lust. And as pleasingly as she danced she was happy to serve the other part of it as well. If a man bade her come sit on his lap she obeyed grinding herself into him, undulating her belly and rotating her hips to simulate other acts. And yet she never stopped dancing that was the most impressive part. She even lifted her veil to kiss when ordered. But never any more than that, at least at the start of the night.
Celestia had a fan club here and though she would come when called and dance for any man that asked she most often found herself gravitating to this same group of young men. She danced beautifully she knew, many many years of practice had given her abilities beyond most dancers but this group were only interested in one thing. The swing of her hips, the roll of her belly didn't matter at all for their eyes remained fixed on her gently swaying breasts. She had taught herself many unique dances to please these young men, dances that served to bounce her chest, to make her upper body wriggle and to tease them with the occasional glimpse of soft pink nipple flesh beneath her clothing. Sometimes she would favour them with closeness, with the soft weight of her body against theirs and what intrigued her most was the change they favoured her with when she did. She found when offered the sensation of touch of her body their gaze always moved from her chest to her lips. She could see it in their faces looking down at them, their whole minds changing from how they wanted to use her body to how much they wanted to kiss her lips and make her smile. And that most of all made her smile and imagine how she might kiss them when they felt a little bolder.
Luna was always the most in demand when she came. Ever since her first time men had been greatly excited to be entertained by the fearsome terror once known as Nightmare Moon. Indeed her public persona as the most dignified, regal and serious of the princesses had gained her a following similar to Celestia's. Often when she danced she was called to this table and when it happened she never disobeyed even as she dreaded it and felt relief when their table was empty. The group was mostly older men, all warriors or fighters, Saddle Arabian Knights and Performing Gladiators all eager for a look at the fierce mare who had once terrified half the known world. And when she had come before them they had giggled and smirked to see her like this, her royalty cast aside, her body put on display for their entertainment and all other signs of her strength and power vanished before them till only the bound to please dancer girl remained. And since then what they had loved more than anything was to tease her. Beyond the commands, the comments and the leering gazes most other men in the dancers circle were a degree of respectful. But not these ones, they jeered at her, lifted her skirts and tugged at her breast bands to see her full nakedness. They pulled her tail and slapped her bottom with spread palm, distracted her when she tried to keep time with the music, pushed and pulled her into each other’s arms and laps and always groped, stroked and smelled her while doing so. And they did so with no mind to her protests, her frowns, her attempts to escape since after all didn't she keep coming back? Hadn't she never refused them a dance even with no coin or anything at stake? Hadn't she given them further services at the end of the night more times than asked? And though only Luna and Celestia knew it, it was also true that though momentarily relieved every time she did not find them there waiting for her she always spent that night after with her fingers between her thighs and their faces on her mind.
Twilight was enthusiastic but nervous and unsure what to do with herself. She moved as if weighed down by the gazes that ran over her body. Celestia saw the smiles of the men sat watching her student and knew the hungry look in their eye. They looked at Twilight with the hunger of artists looking at blank virgin canvas, each wanting a chance to tempt and despoil this girl and become the measure by which all her future pleasures alone or with company would be judged. Celestia wished she could help the girl, move her hips and swing the veils for her but she had to learn herself. And there was no better teacher than a demanding Saddle Arabian man. They barked at her to come and she did, she couldn't stand the terrifying freedom she needed the comfort of orders. They had her turn from them to shed her nervousness. And then while still, while relaxed but shivering from the thrill of being told what to do one of them reached out and struck her rear. She yelped and was again barked at to not let the movement stop. Each man cheered as she began to shake it, had she more jewellery she would have jangled like a rich woman's purse. And though she was fearful and unsure at first eventually she smiled, she grinned, she bit her lip and moved with confidence. She kept her movement focused on her rump but started to experiment, changing direction, position, bending over and wiggling, crouching and throwing it back and finally overcome with confidence and burning with an indescribable heat, she lifted her tail and let each man cheering for her feel her grinding against his body like she were desperately trying to dig through the fabric of his leggings. And each man potently imagined exactly what it would feel like to ride deep into her while she moved like this.
Celestia watched as her student gained in confidence and attention till she was sure she did not need her mentor's help. And her eyes drifted from her to the stairs, leading to the chambers above where large and comfortable beds could be found for those dancers and watchers eager to cast aside simulation and temptation for action and reality. Sometimes you were pulled up, sometimes carried, Celestia recalled one time where she had fallen on the first step and impatience had led the men to have their fun with her right there.
And then suddenly all at once them men began to clap but not to applaud, they clapped to the music and then faster and faster still. And as they sped the musicians they also sped the dancers. Faster and faster the women moved their bodies, till sweat leapt from their skin and their bodies began to ache. And Celestia saw straightaway right through it all, the men speeding them, wearing them out, making it so all four would be weary and pliable and fall right into the arms of the men to be taken advantage of till sunrise.
Celestia smiled and licked her lips, she couldn't wait for it.
When I first started making PrinceRex's piece I was going to have Twilight and Cadance dancing but this was scrapped for a more intimate look. I decided to make a pic with all four girls dancing anyway.