Amberlue Drider’s Guest
“So...You can do that for me?” Percy asked, rubbing her foreleg shyly. Amberlue, who was a drider currently, nodded with a smile.
“Of course! I’d be happy to wrap you up all nice and snug!” She says rubbing Percy’s mane. Amberlue’s words made Percy blush as the thought of what was about to happen. Amberlue looked around and motioned for Percy to follow.
“Follow me! I know of a nice clearing in the woods where we can get you settled.” Amberlue then led the way with Percy close behind her. Amberlue led Percy off the trail in the woods, far off the trail and into a sheltered clearing where to Percy’s surprise Amberlue had already set up webs around the edges. Amberlue hummed as she walked to the middle of her web and looked back to Percy.
“So! Percy, how would you like to be wrapped?” Amberlue asked, her mid pair of legs drawing out silk. Percy shivered in excitement.
“W-Wrap me with lots of web please, slow with plenty of layers and hang me up wherever you want. Just...Please don’t bite me.” Amberlue carefully picked up Percy and gave her a hug.
“I will take such good care of you Percy.” Amberlue said in a gentle and comforting tone. Percy sighed, loving how cozy Amberlue’s fuzzy chest was. Amberlue held the hug a moment longer before lowering Percy so she could loop web around her hind legs, pinning them together, Amberlue then turned Percy around and carefully placed Percy’s fore legs against her back, Percy just let Amberlue have control, letting her body go limp, acting as if she had been bitten and was parilzied and at the mercy of a drider. Amberlue then turned Percy around so her hindlegs were pointing back then Amberlue began rotating Percy, her legs carefully pushing and pressing Percy’s limp frame to carefully encase her little body in figure tight silk. Percy moaned softly as she was handled, watching as the webs slowly crept up her body, powerless to stop it. Well, she could say to Amberlue right now to stop, let her go, and Amberlue would let her, afterall, she was a very kind drider. But Percy wanted to pretend she was helpless, pretend she was at a drider’s mercy and was being wrapped up tight for who knows what. Around and around Percy was turned as her hind quarters vanished under a shroud of silk, soon her arms were sealed to her back and once the silk reached the top of Percy's neck Amberlue stopped and looked down to Percy.
“Comfy?” She asked, Percy gave a little squirm in her binds and nodded.
“Very. It’s wonderful.” Percy said, Amberlue giggled.
“I’m really glad you like it! Do you want your head wrapped too?” Amberlue asked, Percy nodded again.
“Yes please, just leave my nose open so I can breathe easy please.” Amberlue gave a joyful clap.
“Can do Percy!” Amberlue then set about carefully binding Percy’s head, first, making a wad of silk and stuffing it into Percy’s mouth, making Percy moan and blush. Next, Amberlue made some little silk balls and placed them into Percy’s ears, deafening her. Amberlue then motioned for Percy to close her eyes and once Percy did, Amberlue turned Percy around and carefully wrapped layers of silk over Percy’s head, hiding her mane and flattening her ears against her head. Amberlue then held up Percy and secured her hind legs to the floor and her upper back to the ceiling by thick web strands. Amberlue then continued to gently spin Percy around, wrapping more web around her. Percy only moaned as she felt Amberlue’s touch as she was spun tighter in warm silk. Once Amberlue was done wrapping she took the cocooned Percy off the strands and hugged her. Percy nuzzled into Amberlue’s soft and warm chest.
“Aw, you look so comfy cozy in there!” Amberlue said as she held Percy.
“Let’s get you a nice little bed to have a rest in hm?” Amberlue then carried Percy to a spiral web nearby. She placed Percy back first onto the web and secured her onto the web with more silk to hold her. Percy gave some little squirms in her silky confines, humming happily as Amberlue crawled onto the web to watch her she smiled warmly and gently started rubbing Percy’s belly, making Percy moan, in bliss as she was content to hang there, safe and sound with a very friendly and caring drider.
A fun little commission I did a little while ago.
Amberlue @ MaelstromConnor
Percy: Me