Twilight awkwardly sat in front of the incestuous couple.
From the smell she could tell they had already been going at it.
Applejack had an almost evil smile on her face, which unnerved Twilight, but Big Mac had a much more friendly look on his face.
"Hey, Twilight. Y'know that spell you were practicing the other day?" asked Applejack "The one we had to fake for Trixie, but you can now do for real?"
Twilight raised a Questioning eyebrow as Applejack continued.
"Could ya possibly... use it right now?"
Twilight slowly gained a shocked expression as she understood what she was talking about. In no way did she want to be around two horny stallions when she was in a weakened state. That, for real frightened her. Not in the sexy kinky fearful way she was with just Big Mac.
"Applejack I'm not going to turn you into a stallion!" She whispered harshly.
"No not on me ya idiot. On him!"
They both turned to Big Macintosh, who had an oblivious look on his face.
A smile grew on both the Mares faces as Twilight lit up her horn.
To Be Continued...
I want to turn this into a full series when I get the time
I’m a Button Fixer. I fix Buttons <3