"Good morning, Tammy! How's our new hire today?"
"Like, super-duper, sir! I just love this skirt you gave me to wear! It really helps me out when I'm feeling all hot and stuff."
"Well it also looks super cute on you, too! Really sexy!"
"Wow, thank you sir!"
"Seems like you're filling out a little more up-front. I bet the customers love those puppies!"
"Wow! Like, how did you know? I've already had, like, three guys compliment my titties since this morning!"
"Heh, you're almost as big as Nikki now, aren't you? Just let me know if those milkers start leaking and we'll put you on latte duty too. You remember how to do that, right?"
"Yeppers! Nikki showed me how to do it last night, remember? Hehehe, it was a lot of fun!"
"I bet you two had a lot of fun, eh? Maybe after work today we'll all go back to my place and watch the security tapes together. Sound like a good time?"
"Oooo, that sounds hot! I, like, totally forgot about the security cameras! Hehe, I forgot almost everything once Nikki's girls came out to play. Um, everything 'cept how to work the latte machine, of course!"
"Good girl, Tammy! I'll tell Nikki and we'll make an evening of it. Meanwhile, don't forget your free meals for lunch and dinner!"
"Can I have another triple portion today, sir?"
"Sure! It's one of your perks, after all. Aren't you glad you applied to work here at Bim-Burger?"
"Like, totally! I'd still eat here even if I wasn't getting free meals, though! Like, I dunno what it is but I just can't stop craving the food here!"
"Oh no doubt about that, my dear. No doubt about that. Well, keep eating those free meals! A few more of our special recipe burgers, and you're sure to grow a pretty tail, just like Nikki."
"Wow! And a horn, too?"
"Most definitely! Though I'd say you're already pretty horny, right?"
"Oh my god, sir! I totally am! Wow, you're so smart!"
"Yes, yes. That's why I'm the boss, you know."
"Yes sir!"
Posted as a sequel to >>3393981 and >>3394858
There's a branching continuity in the comments on the first image.
Image sourced from HLF's AI image dump #4.