Trixie's Baby Trick~!!
Kassaz commissioned this silly little comic and wrote this silly little story to go along with it:
“For my next trick, I’ll need volunteer.” Trixie was sitting on her rump, smugly, looking at the crowd from her stage. She hummed for a moment before adding, “a pregnant volunteer.” Her eyes were instantly drawn to the two of you, Twilight Sparkle and her husband, and both of you knew she knew the only pregnant mare in the crowd was Twilight. She harrumphed and made no move to go on stage.
“Aw, she’s shy. Come now, my delightful audience, let’s stomp our hooves to encourage her.” The crowd began to do just that, and Twilight narrowed her eyes at Trixie, who was still sitting but clopping her forehooves together with a smug grin.
“Just what do you need a pregnant mare for, Trixie?” Twilight pointed her left foreleg out accusingly at her. “Just what are you planning?” Trixie and the crowd stopped clopping and stomping.
“Well, Mrs.,” Trixie pretended to not know the unicorn’s name, “The Great and Powerful Trixie has recently devised a spell that does a wonder for a poor mare’s tired body, heavy with foal. She can guarantee you that the spell is entirely safe, and a mare of your,” she paused for a moment, “width certainly looks like she could use a break from carrying her foal, or should I say foals?”
“C’mon Twilight, don’t be a stick in the mud.” It was Lyra. Of course it was Lyra. “Get on up there!” Lyra started chanting Twilight’s name, and the crowd followed.
“Alright, alright!” Twilight was a bit better about grinding her teeth than she had once been, but she certainly looked angry as she gave in to Trixie’s plan, whatever it was. She mumbled all the way to the stage and up the staircase at its side. She stood before Trixie, still sitting, still grinning, and still smug.
“I’m sure you have no experience with the spell Trixie is about to show you, Twilight.” At this, Twilight’s expression changed from angry to curious. Now Trixie was addressing the audience, much more loudly.
“Now watch, audience, as The Great and Powerful Trixie takes all of the stress from this mare, by transferring it into her own body!” Trixie’s horn glowed, surrounding Twilight’s belly with blue magic. “Why, what else could the Mid-Motherhood Movement Spell do, after all?” Twilight thought that spell sounded awfully like a bad rebranding of the Gestation Translation Spell; by the time she stopped to notice just where Trixie’s magic was focussed, it was too late.
The crowd cheered, and Trixie had somehow become even smugger. Twilight, meanwhile, was horrified. Her pregnancy was just gone, as if she’d never been carrying at all. She felt lightheaded, and struggled to breathe as she turned her attention back to Trixie, sporting a pregnancy, her pregnancy! “Trixie, you had better undo this right now!” Twilight had one hoof at Trixie’s throat.
“Um, excuse me, could you stop putting so much pressure on Trixie’s belly? It doesn’t feel good.” Twilight’s other hoof had been resting rather deeply on the top of Trixie’s pregnancy, and she scrambled off of it in a panic. By now, you’d jumped onto stage yourself, prepared to beat the stuffing out of the showmare.
“Now, now, let’s not get violent. You wouldn’t hurt the mare carrying your foals, now would you?” Trixie fluttered her eyelashes in a mock display of innocence. “Ugh, feel free to give it some attention, however. It itches.”
Both of you nervously touched Trixie’s belly, and felt movement from it. It was odd, to see the same foal, or foals, in a different belly; inside, nothing had changed, but you and Twilight had obviously grown to associate your progeny with a tight purple belly, lacking any better outward identity for the time, and not a blue one with a disgusting outie.
“Well, that’s all, folks!” Trixie declared to the audience. “Those of you with VIP passes may wait around for an autograph, and a picture too, if you pay for it.” Everypony had a VIP pass, including the two of you, she only said it to sound fancier.
“Trixie, I swear to Celestia if you don’t,” Trixie hushed Twilight.
“Trixie will gladly return your burden, Sparkle, don’t worry.” She yawned. “But first, Trixie needs some sleep. ’Tis a shame Trixie must sleep in a cold wagon, lacking any fireplace. It will be a cold night.” Both of you were glaring at her, but she continued. “And Trixie has such little money to buy food, but it should be fine for just a night, Trixie supposes.” Her stomach growled, but her horn had been active the moment before; she had clearly made it growl on command.
You stared at the ceiling, lying in bed with your wife. Snoring very loudly in the other bed, which had been moved to be right besides yours, was Trixie, still pregnant. Twilight had to cast a spell on herself so she could sleep, and the mark of many tears was still present on her face; at least she was taking the opportunity to sleep on her stomach. You lifted your head and glanced over at Trixie, whose mouth was open while she slept, a scrap of food stuck on her muzzle. She’d eaten three meals tonight.
You were going to kill her once Twilight was pregnant again.