The king of darkness and a Zebra assumed to be an evil enchantress, what a lovely pair.
At first Zecora didn't know what to think about this pony of shadows and despair at first. The stallion still has traces of his once pompous attitude.
Sombra made a constant effort to get on Zecora's good side, after all she was sorta all he had. From attempting to cook soups to cleaning around her hut, Sombra was going to try it all.
Eventually as time went on the two found a common interest..Magic.From transformation spells to potions, the two knew it all.
Their bonding turned a few heads for sure. Most ponies who still weren't fond of the magic Zecora had been using were rather dumbfounded when they saw Sombra was in the picture.Sombra would hate to admit it out right but he felt a strong connection with the zebra.