Here is Apple Bloom for my headcanon!
Species: Earth Pony (1st Form), Undead Pony (2nd Form)
Gender: Female
Friends: Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Rumble, Pipsqueak, Ruby, Mitta, Fluttershy, etc.
Enemies: Diamond Tiara (Formerly), Babs Seed (Formerly), Queen Chrysalis (Formerly), Tirek, Prince Blueblood, etc.
Family: Pear Butter (Mother), Bright Mac (Father), Granny Smith (Grandmare), Grand Pear (Grandstallion), Big Macintosh (Big brother), Applejack (Non-binary sibling), Discord (Brother-in-law), Silverlay (Sister-in-law), Babs Seed (Cousin), Marble Pie (Sister-in-law), Limestone Pie (Sister-in-law), Maud Pie (Sister-in-law), Pinkie Pie (Sister-in-law), Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quartz (Parents-in-law), etc.
Note: The events of Season 8-9 (With the exception The Washouts and Best Gift Ever) and Rainbow Roadtrip are not canon to my headcanon.
Note II: Applejack and Pinkie are NOT cousins and Big Mac is married to Marble.
Note III: Applejack is Non-Binary in my headcanon and uses He/She and They/Them pronouns.
Note IV: Seeds of Darkness and Story of the Blanks are canon to my series. Link: https://www.deviantart.com/estories/gallery/46507186/vector-comic-seeds-of-darkness and https://www.fimfiction.net/story/15365/story-of-the-blanks
Note V: Pear Butter and Bright Mac are alive.
Note VI: Applejack ends marrying Discord and Silverlay after losing a bet!
Note VII: A few days after the events of Crusaders of the Lost Mark, Apple Bloom goes to the Everfree Forest to visit Zecora. However, a thick fog rolled in and the little filly got lost. Worse still, she ends up in the last place she wanted to be, Sunny Town! Right when Apple Bloom realised where she was, the filly was pounced on by one of the blanked ponies! However, as Apple Bloom's furcoat became black and burnt, none of the blanked ponies noticed Apple Bloom's new cutie mark, and by the time they did see it, Apple Bloom had already became ghoul... Needless to say, the blanked ponies were not happy with this as they see cutie marks as "cursed marks"... But just before they could burn Apple Bloom with fire, Ruby and Mitta rushed in to the rescue. They took her to their home which on a really far part of the Everfree where thankfully no ghouls or timberwolves could get them. Poor Apple Bloom was really upset about becoming a ghoul and Mitta & Ruby felt sorry for her. They allowed the little filly to stay at their home for a few days until they find a solution to the problem. Soon, they went to Zecora and told her what had happened. With the help of the Princesses, they managed to seal Apple Bloom's curse. Sadly, they couldn't get AB truly back to normal, but they did have an idea. They gave the filly a medallion (Which is hidden by her scarf), so if she wants to be a normal pony again, she just touches it. The same applies if she wants to be a ghoul. When her family and friends heard about what had happened, they were shocked, thankfully however, they said that they still love Apple Bloom (Ghoul or not). (Note: This is loosely based on this: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/268833/undead-robot-bug-crusaders)